Tuesday, November 9, 2010
CHALET 2010 but held in 2011
Date: 3rd-5th Jan ; BBQ on 4th Jan
Time: ~1pm on 3rd Jan till 10am on 5th Jan
1.Xin Wei
4.Wei Guang
8.Yun Li
9.Du Qun
10.Andrea (might not be coming)
11.Lynn (no bbq)
13.Shao Ying
14.Mei Yu
17.Jia Hao
18.Rui Fang
19.Joseph (Poly- BBQ only)
22.Jian Da
23.Benedict (Poly- BBQ only)
24.Liang Yueh (Poly- BBQ only)
25.Eileen (Poly- BBQ only)
28.Kelly (Poly- BBQ only)
29.Pei Jun
3.Qi Hui
5.Ying Ling
No response yet:
2.Min Xian
3.Yan Teng
Inviting: (Not Confirmed)
1.Ms Lim
2.Ms Tang
3.Ms Ong SK
4.Mr Ng ZY
5.Mr Woon
6.Mdm Rani
Any request for any other teachers?
-Chicken thigh (instead of wings but the way we marinate is still the same)
-Cheese toufu
(Hisyam's gg to decide)
Friday, October 8, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Cancellation of CG outing
After various poor responses from the class, we have decided to cancel the class outing with shannon on the 21st, mainly because of the exam period for some of us.
I am really sorry for this last-minute cancellation and do hope that shannon will have a really fun time back in Spore.
Best Regards,
PS: Shannon, what date are u leaving Spore? Coz we may be able to arrange an alternative date for CG.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Its really been a looooooong time since i posted sth in this blog. But the monitors are currently thinking of organizing of another class gathering, specially for our dearest friend, SHANNON:)
Do hope u guys can give me valuable comments on the suitable venue that u guys LIKE:)ASAP...
Possible Venue:
1. Marina Barrage
2. Botanic Gardens
3. Bukit Timah Hill(Preferably Dairy Farm)
Date: 21st June , Mon(fixed)
Time: Morning till afternn/evening
Continue to have a GREAT holidays ahead.Do study hard for ur exams if u have one. Miss u guys.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Time: 1700-....
Venue: KS's house
Details: Each person will be required to pay at least $3-5 (:
& lets thanks our dear treasurers in advance to collect money on that day. :D
A few people will recieve text messages from me on wed or thurs because i'll specially invite you to buy groceries and bbq stuff with me. :D Other than these people, if anyone wants to come earlier to play, text either Jul or Shinghei to inform us as KS won't be around in the afternoon. [He has some southwest CDC thing to attend, (minister in the making~)]
to go to ks house. Take mrt to Chinese garden. Alight. Cross the road. Call anyone when u reach the side gate so we can 'pick' you up :)
Ppl coming: (29+3)
-Shing Hei
-Kang Shiong
-Xin wei
-Pei Jun
-Shi ya
-Zhi ye
-Du qun
-Jia Hao
-Liang yueh
-Shao ying
-Ying ling
-Ka yin
-Yun li (pending? )
-Lynn (1-2 hours but not staying for bbq)
-Ms lim
Ms Low + piggy( he is sick. ): wish that he recovers or has alr recovered! )
-Qi hui
-Yan teng
-Mei yu
-Wei Guang
-Ms tang
Nvr reply:
-Mun yi
-Kai xin
-Rui fang
-Min xian
-Jian Da
[Much anticipated] FOOD & Things to buy:
-Satay (100 sticks = $40)
-Bee hoon, got to get cabbage too.
-hot dogs
-cheese hot dogs
-garlic bread > garlic paste + bread
-chicken wings > & honey bbq sauce
-crab sticks
-Wire mesh^
-Kitchen tongs^(2 or 3)
-Kitchen roll^ ( 2 please)
-Plastic fork and spoons^(50)
-paper/plastic plates^ (50)
-Fire starter
-Match sticks/lighter^ (1)
-Aluminium trays^ (abt 3)
-Brushes^(2) not painbrush ah!
-aluminium foil
^ = please help to provide some or the qty stated in the brackets
* = Maybe getting it, depending on cash flow~
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Testimonials are ready for collection.
Pls go to JSS General Office to collect them.
Help to spread too!
Thank you!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Hmmm... so just tag on the tagboard your school or just edit this post if you wanna share!
It's okay if you don't want to share...
Anderson Junior College: 2
-Jian Da
-Mei Yu
Anglo-Chinese Junior College: 10
-Kang Shiong
-Shing Hei
-Wei Guang
-Xin Wei
-Yun Li
Hwa Chong Junior College: 2
-Qian Tong - QT (Read as Cutie!) [Must be that crazy girl who changed her school to ITE previously. ]
Jurong Junior College: 15
-Du Qun
-Jia Hao
-Kai Xin
-Ka Yin
-Min Xian
-Pei Jun
-Yan Teng
-Ying Ling
-Zhi Ye
Nan Yang Junior College: 1
-Rui Fang
National Junior College: 1
-Shi Ya
Ngee Ann Polytechnic: 4
Accountancy -Liang Yueh & Eileen
Biomedical Science - Kelly
Business Studies -Benedict
Pioneer Junior College: 3
Singapore Polytechnic: 3
Business IT - Joseph
Optometry - Mun Yi
(idk what course) - Qi Hui
St. Andrews' Junior College: 1
-Shao Ying
its gg to be pay back time okay! cos its been super long since i last saw 4-5 as a class!
we've GOT TO MEET UP SOON!!!!!! :D
Monday, January 18, 2010
2009 O level results Top scorers
9 Distinctions
Eileen Lin
8 Distinctions
Wei Guang
Shing Hei
Xin Wei
5 to 7 Distinctions
Kai Xin
Pei Jun
Liang Yueh
Kang Shiong
Jian Da
Min Xian
Shao Ying
Rui Fang
Yun Li
Sorry I may have left some names out... Just log in and edit from here.
4-5 and SI WU AH
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Guess who am I,muahahahas,做梦也想不到的
Okay,im Zhiye,your biggest sleeper in class:X
Here's an update on the CG@Chevron
Some of you may not be able to stay overnight,but its alright,cause chevron should be fairly close to most of our homes.So you all can come and go in the evening or night.
But please please take note that we'll be having a bbq for ALL on the 7th Jan,Thursday!
So by hook or by crook,you all must make it on thurs,stay until 9-10 like that then go:D
Please come leh,it may jolly well be the last time we are getting together:/(excluding the day we take results in JSS larh,hahas!)
Btw,if you dont know how to get there like me,i have some suggestions after asking around
Those who can take 99 then good larh,those who cant best to go to Jurong East Interchange.
AT JE,I think you walk towards IMM then turn right and walk straight for 15mins liddat
P.S: Take a closer look at the picture above this,I bet all of you had fun
at the bbq at KS's house,cause i had loads of it when almost everyone
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Venue : Chevrons
Date : 6-8th Jan 2010
(legend: Staying over means both nights)
- Juliana ( Staying over)
- Kelly ( Staying over for the 1st night, bringing frisbee)
- Hisyam ( Staying over)
- Pei Jun ( Staying over)
- Xin wei (Staying over for 1 night)
- Zhiye (staying over, bringing mahjong & left over snacks from previous CG.)
- Duqun (Staying over)
- Shinghei (Staying over)
- Ying ling (Staying over for the 1st night, 2 sets of poker cards)
- Nazira
- Mangala
- Meiyu
- Qiantong (Staying for 1 night)
- Weiguang (Staying over MAIN CHEF! :p )
- Yun li (Staying for 1 night)
- Kaixin
- Melvin
- Eileen ( Staying for 1 night )
- KangShiong (Staying over, Board games)
- Rachel
- Lynn
- Jia Hao (Staying for 1 night)
- Rupini
- Clement (Staying Over)
- Valerie
- Jolene (bringing 1 game)
- Ka Yin (Staying for 1 night)
On the first day, there will be more of playing games instead because there isn't bbqing on the first day. For all the meals right, we will buy magimee, bread & peanut butter & ... :P btw! eat your lunch before you come to chalet. There'll be snacks rather than rice/mee on the first day.
On the second day, we'll set off in different groups to buy food for bbq. After that, we'll go back to chalet and prepare the food for bbq. We'll do it asap and thn we can start playing games again! At evening, we can start bbq-ing & maybe Zhong Ji Mi Ma( i know teachers are afraid. hahaha) to clear the remaining food. Then we can ton till the next day? Btw, the lunch for today might be the 1.50 chicken rice at jp interchange, cheap & nice. heheh
Last day, pack & leave & go back JSS if some ppl want? ( as in go back for CCA) (:
Things to bring :
- Any board games u have & let me know what are the board games( like twister?)
- Poker?
- Mahjong? ( as suggested by QT)
- Some spare money in case you all want to buy some things there
- If you guys want to stay over rmb to bring clothes!
- Idk if anyone wants to bring alcoholic drinks? but please ah! DON'T GET DRUNK.
- Swim suits ( as suggested by KS)
- anymore suggestions?
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Venue for CG@Dec(UPDATED)
Zhi Ye
Jia Hao(late)
Shing Hei
Xin Wei
Kang Shiong
Qian Tong
Pei Jun
Kai Xin
The confirmed details are as followed ;
Date: 27th Dec
Meet up location : Boon lay interchange
Going to : ECP
Time: 10am
We'll be buying a few snacks like cake? for everyone to share a bit(:
& please provide some food, snacks, tidbits, drinks, mats(for us to sit on) & so on...
& if you want to play board games, please bring them if not we'll be cycling and roller blading(:
btw, please comment at the bottom of this post to let me know what you'll be bringing.
-Jul & sh
*Edited on 15th Dec
Since less than half of the class can make it, the date of the class gathering will be changed:( For those who can't make it for this sat is mainly becoz of holiday and they are usuallly free only after christmas.
Hence, the suitable date for the class gathering will probably be after christmas. Perhaps it will be on the 27th Dec (sunday)....Need u guys comment and tag
So sorry for the change of date again...and again...
*Edited on 10th Dec
Due to less than half of the class attending the class gathering(becoz of work, overseas trip), can u guys pls list the dates that u are available this Dec(roughly)? This is to allow more ppl to attend this CG.Pls reply or tag asap...Thanks:) Copied from 3-5 '08 and 4-5 '09 facebook group
#If poor response, the CG will resume on 19th Dec (so those who cant attend this CG pls tag asap)
*Edited on 9 Dec
Those going for the class gathering, pls tag the food items or drinks u will be bringing asap.
The quantity of food items and drinks are supposed to be within your budget only,however, the more, the merrier. Pls contribute more:)
Hey friends, sorry for the late consolidation and finalisation:)From the results of the tag board and words of mouth, we have confirmed the venue for Class Gathering to be East Coast Park.
(Poll Results: Choice one(5) ; Choice two(5); Choice three(7); Choice four(5))
Back-up plan:(In case of rain)
Watch movies?(Suggestions pls:)
Pls TAG asap if u are able to make it for the CG to prevent further delay and the food items u want to bring along....Thanks!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Class Gathering@Dec
Pls vote and tag for other suggestions for the venue of CG...Thanks!
Choice 1 (Jurong West Swimming Complex)
Where?----Few minutes walk from Chinese Garden MRT
Time?----Prob Afternoon till Evening
- Swimming( Facilites include Lazy River, Jacuzzi, "Artificial" Waves etc...Something like Wild wild wet)
- Dinner -
Option 1:Sakura Buffet@ Spore Discovery Centre
(Price $ 20 per person but it is extremely nice and quality garanteened coz I and others like Liang Yueh had tried it before...Delicacies include Japanese Shashimi, Baby Octopus etc)
Option 2: Traditional Chinese Steamboat ( "Lao Huo Wo") @ Near the swimming complex
(Price $17 plus; I tried it before with my family, its another "must-try" with a variety of soup choices including spicy hot ("ma-la") and delicacies like free-flow of dumplings etc...)
*U can trust my taste-bud coz i am quite picky...lol
Choice 2 (Botanic Gardens)
Where?-----Bukit Timah Area (Cluny Road)
Time?--- (Not sure)
Acitivities?----Picnic;Chit-chat; catching; board games
Choice 3 ( East Coast Park)
*Since we had been there b4 last year gathering, these are some new locations to look out for...
Where?----East Coast
Time?--- Morning till evening
- Cable Skiing (Water Sports)---Similar to Water skiiing and water skateboard
- Things to note: Up to max 8 person allowed each time;Beginner facilities are provided for FREE for a first-come-first-serve basis; For more? (including ratings) visit: http://www.ski360degree.com/
- Cycling
- Ultimate Freesbie
- Beach Volleyball
- BBQ (Just suggesting)/OR/ Picinic(everyone brings some food along...)
Choice 4 ( Sentosa)
Time? --- Morning till evening
1. Beach volleyball
2. Some can go for a swim
3. chitchat. talk talk
4.Sun tanning.
5. Lunch or dinner tgt or both tgt.
Shing Hei
Saturday, November 21, 2009
SorrySorry for changing the venue for chalet AGAIN. :/ ITS CHEVRON, 6th to 8th Jan 2010. Hisyam is gg to help us book the chalet tmr morn. After booking the chalet, there will not be refunds.
*EDITED on 25th Nov 10.20PM
I really think i know alr. We book chalet in Jan. Jan is so much cheaper. then, no need to collect extra money!
15 & 16 Jan night + bbq pit for 1 night= 464 only. & its like 2 rooms. Thn dec find one day go ECP for fun, no bbq?
*EDITED on 23rd Nov 9.45PM
LAST QNS- If the chalet is from 28 dec onwards & if at sentosa. Can you guys make it? YOU CAN TAG instead. (:
So now, its 3D2N. Most that say start of jan can actually make it on end of dec.
So now facilities = Coasta Sands Sentosa. Therefore, chalet at sentosa? Any strong objections?
*EDITED at 22nd NOv 9.15AM.
Since up till now only about 13 ppl commented and 11 ppl voted. I shall just assess the few comments that i have. Uh. I think most people want 3D2N and end of Dec for the chalet. If this is the case, Aloha is out because it is to expensive for us and aloha is fully booked till next year. So now we are left with Sentosa and Downtown & Sentosa is the one with facilities( as in the beach, we can bring volleyball? people can go swimming? Maybe basketball cos i think there is a court?)
- Sorry about the super long and confusing poll but the options are grouped accordingly by the location first. For e.g if you prefer aloha pls look at only the first 8 options. If you prefer sentosa then look at the next 8 options and so on...
- Then look at the number of days. 3D2N Are listed first then the 2D1N
- The other conditions are actually the time period(End Dec/Early Jan) & whether you're staying.
- Hope this makes it easier! Thanks peeps!
- ** P.S. NO MORE DEC DATES LEFT FOR ALOHA! And look at those info in bold below !!
- ** Some Pros & Cons: ALOHA: Big but expensive SENTOSA: Cheap but very small space DOWNTOWN: No facilities except swimming pool and not big enough to accomodate 40+ ppl if all wants to sleep, but its very clean! General size of chalet is in decreasing order: Aloha > Downtown > Sentosa (not very accurate cos i never been to aloha's chalet)
I NEED EVERYONE'S COMMENTS ASAPInfo : We will be having a class chalet but there are a few problems
1- End dec like 28 dec onwards or start of Jan?
2-whether you guys want the chalet to have facilities (e.g. Courts, bowling alleys.... Swimming pool is available in all 3 chalets namely aloha and coasta sands sentosa and coasta sands downtown east. Therefore, Coasta sands (downtown) chalet means self explanatory no facilities. Sentosa's got beach!:D which = facilities to some extent) Please don't say anything for this option because Aloha is more ex than Coasta sands. We can only afford 2 weekday nights for aloha or 1 weekend night for aloha. Coasta sands is much cheaper and smaller though. :/ So you need to pay extra $ for the food if you chose ALOHA.
3-Which day is better? Maybe sun, mon thn tues is the third day? I mean that sunday and monday are the nights that we'll stay over. I'm asking comments for weekends because there are usually family gatherings on weekends.
4- How many nights you guys want to stay over? Like 1 night or 2 night? ( if 1 night or go to Coasta sands(downtown/sentosa) for 2 nights but 1 room, we can save some money to spend on bbq so no need to collect extra money for bbq too. BUT, if 1 night, thn it'll be like booking in at around noon time then next morning have to book out alr. & we are not allowed to book 1 night for the dec holidays for coasta sands(downtown/sentosa))
5- How many ppl will be staying over, please leave your name
6- Coasta sands sentosa or coasta sands downtown east.
INSTRUCTIONS- Click the comment option at the bottom of this post. Answer these few questions by writing a comment. RMB TO PUT DOWN YOUR NAME!
Confirm cannot make it:
-Lynn ( Overseas from 11Dec till next year)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Time: NOON?
What are we doing : I think we can play the games we played the other time? Vampire and other games. Maybe we can sit down and chit chat too. It'll be great(:
If we are gg to ECP, there will not be any bbq but just cycling, roller blading and chit chatting & gathering to eat at the hawker centre there. :D
People coming :
(Please tag in the tagboard to let me know that you are coming. (: )
-Jian da
- Rachel
Pray that our form and co-form teachers are gg to be free like SOON. Cos you guys also want Chalet right?! hahah! If anyone knows of any cheap chalet that can accomodate like 40+ plus ppl without all sleeping over, tell me k! cos i think not everyone is gg to sleep or stay over though.- Jul
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Hope you're having fun so far in school (which I highly doubt)!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I am not good in writing, but I thought I would like to share with you how I feel...
The presents and performance item are definitely a very very pleasant surprise...
I really appreciate all that you have done for us... I am so touched by what you have done.
It is definitely not easy to come up with the performance item in such a short period of time and you have surprised all of us!! Your dance item is really very original and so funky... I am really happy to see the whole class (majority) participating in the performance.
The best comforting thing to see is how your class have grown so united and bonded over the last few months.
I really enjoy teaching your class and really proud to be your form teacher.
Thanks for accepting me as your form teacher...
Thanks for giving me the chance to get to know everyone of you better...
Thanks for tolerating my spelling mistakes, my lame jokes and ugly drawings...
Thanks for being so responsive in class...
Thanks for being so bubbly...
Thanks for being so cheerful and polite...
Thanks for being so enthusiatic about everything...
Thanks for everything!!
A mere word of thanks is not enough to express my appreciation to all of you... So I will put that into action. Let's say... hmmm... more Bio homework and mock papers??
Ms Lim YM
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Teachers' Day Celebration
This entry is to thank all of you for putting up such a great performance and the obstacle couse that I had to go through yesterday. Much planning must have been put in and I was and still in awe at the efforts put in. The cards for the teachers were very thoughtful too. Thank you for making me look so pretty on the board. :) And...how can I forget the handsome 3 boys who were jammin on stage? Do be careful of charming the girls too much, O levels still come first. Yet, I must say, that was one great voice singing. Heh.
It's amazing to see the whole class there dancing on stage. It's no mean feat for all of you who are in the midst of preparing for the upcoming Grad Exams. Getting the whole class to participate is already not easy, getting people from the class who may not be so used to moving their hands and legs is even more difficult. Thank you to those who coordinated this major project.
To those people who so sportingly participated despite never having danced before on stage in their entire 16 years, thank you for being so confident and taking this first step. I truly appreciate it. I was once that awkward teenager who was made to dance on stage during Teachers' Day when I was in Sec 4 as well. I had to break through my own psychological barriers and start to be more comfortable with moving my limbs in accordance to the music and had to be humble to learn from friends.
Through that, I learnt humility, confidence, unity and the joy of accomplishing something after great efforts. In life, the chances of learning values are abundant, sometimes all it takes is an observant eye, a discerning mind and a reflective attitude. Our actions determine who we are, our habits determine our actions and our minds determine our habits. Be the people that you can be, for you can be great people. Treasure those around you now for they are part of your growing up journey and don't forget "Cogito ergo sum", "I think therefore I am". To add another meaningful quote to your list "Cape diem" which means "Seize the day" because after you think, you need to act.
See...I am actually a very serious teacher. Hahaha. This has been tangism 101. I hope you have enjoyed the short but not-too-short "lecture".
To sum, thank you for all you have done. :)
Ms Tang
1 Sept 09
Friday, August 21, 2009
Venue: School, 4-5
Attire: P.E. attire will be the best.
Description: Boys have to turn up too. eileen,peijun, Shiya and andrea... & took 5 hrs to plan the dance and it will give you adrenaline rush & so everyone must participate. It will be FUN. :D The steps are said to be unique and the song will be The Book Is On The Table. (I'm sry, idk whose song is that) I'm sure most people will want to study. Therefore, please turn up for the practice as we do not want to commit too much of our time for practicing too.
Friday, August 14, 2009
School's CG
YAY I'm the cameragirl haaaaa!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Greetings from the end of summer vacation
If you haven't known already, I had summer vacation from the beginning of June until now. I'll be starting school again in exactly 2 weeks. I'll be a Junior at Skyline this Fall. Anyways, it was a lot more fun in the beginning of the summer. It sort of slowed down A LOT when we reached the end of July and the beginning of August. I'm just going to post some pictures here. Enjoy!
Good luck for your 'O' Levels!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Class Gathering!
Potential boxers/fighters!
Happy Family
Though Jolene's face looks rather dao here, she's a very friendly person!
Who is Rishabh serenading to?
Oh it's Kang Shiong.
4-5 姐妹花!
Miss Tang (and Lynn again) finds the food irresistable.
Looky looky, a Dare on stage! :P
Zhi Ye is writing " Zhi Ye" using Zhi Ye's butt.
Xin Wei trying hard not to laugh when Zhi Ye is attempting to tickle him (while taking a picture). Caught unaware with the exception of Xinwei and Rishabh. Is that a twist!
Now the rest are aware with the exception of Xinwei and Rishabh. Nice teeth. :D
All smiles.
Showing how funky strong is our class!
please remember to say thank you to our 阳光少男, Kang Shiong. :)
for providing the venue.
And also our dear class monitors Shing Hei and Juliana.
Thank you to all for making this class gathering a successful one. As cliche as it sounds, it will be etched in my memory HAHA. So cheesy, kidding.